

Weir observa reducciones de intensidad de energía que cambian el juego con un proyecto de caracterización de minerales

With an extensive footprint from the rock face all the way through to tailings, it was only a matter of time before the Weir Group decided to enter the ore sorting game. In recent years, the company has re-focused as a pureplay mining and aggregates company that can provide value throughout the flowsheet. The company ditched its oil & gas exposure and added to…

16 Feb 2023

Presionar por net-zero una oportunidad «única en una generación»: MCA

La industria minera de clase mundial de Australia tiene las herramientas para convertirse en líder en el esfuerzo global para lograr emisiones netas cero para 2050, pero la medida requerirá la acción del gobierno, según el Consejo de Minerales de Australia (MCA). Australia’s world-class mining industry has the tools to become a leader in the global effort to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, but…


La tecnología 3D de Epiroc desplegada en Carrapateena

La tecnología de visualización tridimensional se implementó en una mina de OZ Minerals en el sur de Australia. Three-dimensional visualisation technology has been deployed in an OZ Minerals mine in South Australia. The Epiroc-owned technology system – Mobilaris Situational Awareness – allows mine operators to remotely track machinery within the mine in real-time. The system is also designed as a helpful tool with fleet…

16 Feb 2023

GHH inSiTE: TALPA y GHH aprovechan los datos para reducir los gastos operativos de los equipos subterráneos

xcxczxc En la etapa de desarrollo de proyectos y explotación de depósitos, se pone cada vez más atención en convertir los datos generados por los activos mineros en información procesable casi en tiempo real que permite una reacción más rápida al entorno cambiante de las operaciones At the project development and deposit exploitation stage, more focus is increasingly placed on converting the data generated…

16 Feb 2023

Weir se prepara para probar tecnología patentada de clasificación de minerales para fines de 2022

Weir preparing to trial proprietary ore sorting tech by the end of 2022 In the Weir Group Capital Markets Event presentation last week, Chris Carpenter revealed that the company was collaborating within its divisions on trials of ore sorting technology in an effort to move less rock at mine sites and optimise processing within the plant. Carpenter, Vice President of Technology at Weir ESCO,…

14 Dic 2022

Aprovechar el concepto de mina inteligente para mejorar la rentabilidad y la sostenibilidad

Leveraging the intelligent mine concept for improved profitability, sustainability The case for digitalisation is clear, according to AspenTech’s Jeannette McGill*, with digitalisation being critical for the metals and mining industry to achieve sustainability and operational excellence in the years ahead. This is why the more forward-looking decision makers in the mining industry are embedding digital capabilities in their operations so they remain agile, competitive…

14 Dic 2022

La programación es una actividad compleja y crítica que tiene un gran impacto en los resultados de las empresas mineras.

Scheduling is a complex and critical activity that has a major impact on the bottom line in mining companies Since 2003, Actenum has led the way in developing scheduling software that drives business value by increasing operational efficiency, reducing non-productive time, and improving project team collaboration. Actenum is a little different when it comes to collaborating with customers. The company will stay in regular…

13 Dic 2022

Anglo American utiliza la última tecnología de gemelos digitales en Quellaveco

Anglo American utilising latest digital twin technology at Quellaveco Anglo American says it has implemented cutting-edge technology at the Quellaveco copper mine in Peru with which it is possible to create a virtual replica that simulates everything that happens in its process plant, and with this, digital mining specialists can carry out predictive tests that help reduce security risks, optimise the use of resources…

13 Dic 2022

¿Es la energía nuclear crítica para resolver el cambio climático?

Is nuclear energy critical in solving climate change? While green energy’s footprint continues to increase as the fastest growing segment within the global energy mix, it still trails significantly behind conventional, high-carbon energy options due to efficiency and capacity hurdles. These limitations are preventing green energy from becoming a predominant, mainstream energy option. What other scalable, non-CO2 emitting form of energy could help us…

08 Sep 2022

Sandvik y FLANDERS desarrollarán interfaz digital para equipos de perforación ARDVARC-iSeries

Sandvik and FLANDERS to develop ARDVARC-iSeries drill rig digital interface Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions and FLANDERS have agreed to develop a Digital Interface between FLANDERS’ ARDVARC® Autonomous Drill System (ADS) and Sandvik iSeries rotary blasthole drills. The development of this digital interface is a direct response to growing customer demand for agnostic automation systems in surface mining, the pair say. The digital interface…

08 Sep 2022