
Reflexiones para la construcción de una civilización con minería moderna

Reflexiones para la construcción de una civilización con minería moderna La complicada situación de la economía actual, y la presión sobre la conservación inteligente del medio ambiente está creciendo a pasos agigantados; por ese motivo, urge construir una civilización con minería moderna. Entonces, ¿qué tipo de ideas deben seguirse para avanzar? Como en todo, uno de los primeros pasos sería aprender de la historia…

03 Ene 2019

Tendencias de transformación digital para ver en 2019 y más allá

Digital transformation trends to watch in 2019 and beyond Intelligent automation (IA) is poised for explosive growth. In the past, IA was limited to the heavy lifting of very complex back-office processes such as financial processing in banks and provisioning of service on ginormous telecom networks. But the economics have changed with the rise of cloud computing. With the astonishing evolution of artificial intelligence…

03 Ene 2019

Chatbots y automatización de procesos robóticos: un nuevo paradigma de interfaz humana y de máquina

Chatbots And Robotic Process Automation: A New Paradigm Of Human And Machine Interface As the new workhorse for the organization, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered bots are expected to transform the way business processes will be executed and employees transact with systems. Bots coupled with robotic process automation (RPA) can help business executives benefit by moving away from repetitive tasks to focus on deep thinking and creative work.…


Rio Tinto despliega con éxito trenes autónomos en Australia Occidental

Rio Tinto successfully deploys autonomous trains in Western Australia Rio Tinto has successfully deployed autonomous trains across its iron ore operations in Western Australia (WA), with over one million kilometres of railway now travelled autonomously. The AutoHaul trains were first tested in July last year, transporting around 28,000t of ore over 280km on their first journey. The company has continued to expand its autonomous…

03 Ene 2019